Monday, August 11, 2008

3 PhD-scholarship positions at the Mathematical and Meteorological Institutes of the FU-Berlin

*3 PhD-scholarship positions at the Mathematical and Meteorological
Institutes of the FU-Berlin are open.*

The positions will be incorporated in one of the graduate programs of the
Free University of Berlin (Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) or International
Max Planck Research School(IMPRS)).

*Salary:* Dahlem-Research-School fellowships (approx. 1500EUR/month after


The positions are available within a new project “Advanced Methods of Time
Series Analysis and their Application to Climate Research and Insurance Risk
Optimization” and are the part of the excellence research initiative of the
Free University of Berlin. The research project is aimed at development and
application of data-analysis techniques and advanced climate/weather models
in the field of climate change research and insurance risk minimization.


University degree with a track record above average in mathematics,
meteorology, physics or in related fields. Good mathematical and programming
skills are required.

*Contact Person: *

Prof. Dr. Illia Horenko
Institut für Mathematik
Freie Universität Berlin
Arnimalle 6
14195 Berlin

Tel.: (+49) 30 / 838 - 75 347
Fax : (+49) 30 / 838 - 75 412