Wednesday, November 18, 2009

PhD Student, University of Illinois, USA

Institution/Organization: University of Illinois
Department: French
Web Address:

Level: PhD

Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics

Required Language(s): French (fra)


The Department of French at the University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign offers highly competitive, personalized
research packages to outstanding incoming graduate students.
These Departmental financial awards are specifically
tailored for highly-qualified prospective students in fields
represented in the Department.

For applicants of the highest standing, a Departmental
financial award may be offered together with a campus-wide
Fellowship. Campus-wide Fellowships include:

-The Illinois Distinguished Fellowship, which provides
$20,000 per 12-month year for three years and includes a
waiver of full tuition.
-The School of Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics (SLCL)
Fellowship, which provides $20,000 paid over a 12-month
period for a period of two years and includes a waiver of
full tuition.
-The Graduate College Fellowship for Underrepresented
Students, which provides doctoral-level students with
$17,000 per 12-month period for one, two, or three years.
These fellowships include a waiver of full tuition.

Qualified applicants need take no action beyond applying to
the graduate program. The Department automatically
nominates top applicants for all fellowships. Further
details on these fellowships are available from the

Pertinent facts concerning the Department:

-In addition to literature, the Department of French has
faculty representing a broad spectrum of fields including
cinema studies, civilization, cultural studies, gender and
women’s studies, post-colonial theory, second language
acquisition (SLA), and theoretical and applied linguistics.
-The University’s world-renowned Library, ranked among the
top public libraries in the US, affords access to
exceptionally rich collections including the Proust-Kolb
-In addition to its degree programs, students in the
Department can obtain certificates in cinema studies, gender
and women’s studies, medieval studies, second language
acquisition and teacher education (SLATE), and theory and
-The Department offers non-native speakers of French the
opportunity to participate in year-long exchange programs
with Dijon, Liège, Lyon, Metz, Poitiers, and Quebec.
-In addition to recruitment fellowships, the Department of
French also offers summer and/or partial fellowships,
research assistantships, support for research summer
institutes, and conference travel support.

For further information on the Department including how to
apply to the graduate program, go to or write

Application Deadline: 15-Jan-2010

Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Graduate Student Services Office of the Foreign Languages Building
3070 FLB, 707 S. Mathews Ave
Urbana IL 61801

Web Address for Applications:

Contact Information:
Annie Tremblay