Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Phd Atomic Modelling of Irradiation Induced Defects in Reactor Materials, Germany

Vacancy Notice Reg.-No 01E/2008 In the Institute of Safety Research of the Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf for the period from 01.04.2008 until 31.03.2011 a vacancy is announced as Phd student.

The salary is according to the German TV-L (50 %). In the case of successful work, an up-grading of the salary is possible.


  • University diploma in physics
  • Deepened knowledge and experience in solid-state physics
  • Knowledge of atomic numerical simulation in solids (e.g. molecular dynamics)
  • Experiences in a programming language (FORTRAN, C) and in numerical mathematics

  • Atomic modelling of irradiation induced defects in reactor materials and their influence on mechanical properties
  • Code development and computer simulation for the interaction of dislocations with irradiation defects
  • Model validation using experimental data.
  • Within the working field there is a close cooperation with our neighbour institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research.

Please address your application (including a list of publications) with the Registration-No. 01E/2008 by March 15, 2008 to
Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Personnel division
P.O. Box 51 01 19
01314 Dresden, Germany

For further information, please contact Dr. Frank Bergner, Tel.: +49 351 260 3186, Email: f.bergner@fzd.de, Dr. Matthias Posselt, Tel.: +49 260 3279, Email: m.posselt@fzd.de and/or Dr. Eberhard Altstadt, Tel.: +49 351 260 2276, Email: e.altstadt@fzd.de.

Women are explicitly invited to apply. Handicapped will be preferred in case of equal qualification.